For more information, don’t hesitate to
contact us.
Riana Vosloo
081 271 2333
Marcel Vosloo
076 766 2587
At the R46 Tulbagh crossing from Gouda, turn right at the fourway crossing – in the direction of Tulbagh Road (to your left, the road leads to Tulbagh town). From Wolseley side on the R46, you will turn left in the direction of Tulbagh Road. In 1 km turn left on a tar road that after 600 metres becomes a gravel road. Continue straight for about 3 km when you will cross the Watervalsriver bridge. Continue for another 400 metres until you see the Uitspan signpost to your left. About 600 metres on you’ve reached your destination!
GPS: S33 20.359 E19 07.327